Written Material
Books, Manuscripts, Screenplays, Memoir Collections
It seems that many people we speak with have thought about writing a book someday. It is certainly an admiral pursuit. Unfortunately, for most people, someday never arrives. A few people have started the process, maybe writing some notes or a page or two, others even have a first draft, but the busyness of life take its toll on completing the task. For those that have completed their dream project and published their works, the experience and rewards can be tremendous.
This is where we can help. From initial concept to final completion, whether it’s the next bestseller or simply leaving an enduring legacy for your family, we can make this often complex and confusing process one that you will enjoy.

Every Photo Tells a Story
The four cameras in the nearby photo tell a story of their own. The Yashica was my fist SLR camera and when I held it for the first few times it seemed almost magical in my hands. In the early eighties, I knew I wanted to take another step in my photography and I became a regular at the local camera stores. A student at the time, I had little money, but saved and saved to get the Minolta X700 and a telephoto len. That camera became a constant travel companion for the next fifteen years. With changes in camera technology, the much lighter Cannon EOS seemed like a logical next step. Now, it’s the Sony a77 that shepherds most of the load.
Please visit the Photography page to learn how we can help you. The submenus below the Photography tab show a few recent examples.